We are excited to announce that we have resumed gathering at New Song since Sunday July 19th! 

We have begun a series of messages about hope, faith and the power of prayer as we continue to celebrate Jesus in worship. In the past quiet months we’ve be working to improve the facility for your safety and well-being. 

We can’t wait to see you!


We've been open for public worship since Sunday, July 19th. We will provide one service @1:00pm. Our sunday service duration will be approximately one hour. There will be no meet & greet time during the service. No hand out of Church bulletins, updates, new information & upcoming events available on Church website only. Wednesday midweek Service, Friday devotions will only be available on Church website & Facebook.


Occupancy will be based on social distancing guidelines, which will significantly reduce normal seating capacity. All seats is non-fabric in covering and currently spaced out at lease 6 feet apart. Families are encouraged to sit together.


All main areas of the church will be sanitized before each services. This will include disinfecting handrails, switches, door handles, etc., as well as spraying seats in sanctuary and disinfecting all bathrooms. 


There are differing opinions regarding the use of face masks. The following is what New Song expects from its attendees. As suggested by the CDC and PA Department of Health, face masks will be required when entering and exiting the church facility. Once seated, your masks will remain on during worship and the entire service. All seating is social distance sensitive. By Order of the Secretary of the PA Department of Health, children 2 & under are not required to wear a mask. Also exempt are those medically restricted from wearing a mask due to existing health reasons, such as difficulty breathing or respiratory related issues. Bring and wear your mask or face covering and your own hand sanitizer, if desired. Please cover your nose AND mouth when wearing your mask.



Some people may feel uncomfortable participating in public worship at this time, especially those with health issues, including compromised immune systems. These individuals are encouraged to take advantage of our online church facilitated via Church website and Facebook.


Childcare will not be available. There will be no Children’s Ministry provided onsite at this time.


Our Core Values are, “Connecting with God and One Another.” We understand the desire to fellowship, however we would respectfully request that everyone exercise your need to fellowship appropriately in the parking lot. There will be no meet & greet time during the service, want our witness to reflect our right to assemble and worship, without appearing to be irresponsible or defiant.


Please use the hand sanitizer provided upon entering the sanctuary.

Please feel free to use to giving box to give your tithe & offerings upon entering or leaving.

Please do not enter or occupy areas marked restricted such as downstairs/fellowship hall, Sunday school rooms & kitchen.

Please respect the personal boundaries of fellow congregants as they participate in worship.

If you are feeling sick or you are a member of a vulnerable population, we ask that you remain at home and continue to connect with us online. 

Please be responsible for yourself and others and NOT enter the premises if you have a fever, cough, know or suspect you may have contracted or been exposed  or carrying the Covid 19 virus.


These are unprecedented times. We are all navigating through unfamiliar territory. Your support and cooperation during this time will enable New Song to transition smoothly into a new season of blessing. THANK YOU!